here I go writing like George
wandering crusted cortices
squeezing synapses
for honey-buttered droplets
or just spare change

it’s musty in here
where’s the auctioneer?
relics not woven in memory
so much as skittered
off of cliffs
brittle with indifference

time wounds all heels
but even heels
forget the craven insults
caving to satisfactions
of apricot mornings
and unearned niceties

it’s all in the wandering
if by wandering you mean wondering
let meadows enfold you
let the roof leak
if by leak you mean light gets in

be thou fastened to fate
but laughable to fortune
prone to feckless desire
and whatnots of chocolate rendition
turn each moment over in your hand
there’s a due date
not to dwell on


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